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FBI Denver Citizens Academy Alumni Association

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We are thankful for the support of individuals and companies who donate to our 501(c)(3) organization. These donations help us continue and further amplify our efforts to support the mission of the FBI Denver Field Office in the community. There are several ways to donate yourself or through your friends, family or workplace! 

Member Donations

If you would like to individually donate to the FBIDVRCAAA, please click on the DONATE NOW button below which will direct you to a secure payment site. 

Corporate Contributions 

If you are a member and would like to request a matching contribution from your company, please email your company name first to You will be contacted within 5 - 7 business days regarding how to proceed. 

Colorado Gives 365®

The FBIDVRCAAA is registered as a recipient non-profit organization with Colorado Gives 365® , a program of the Colorado Gives Foundation®.  The mission of the Foundation is to "connect people, ideas, and nonprofits" and enables individuals to donate to registered 501(c)3 organizations "dedicated to serving Colorado". Individuals can donate any day of the year or participate in Colorado Gives Day®, a dedicated day of giving for residents of Colorado. 

We are excited to report that in 2024, individual contributions plus matching funds from the Colorado Gives fund totaled $2,150!! A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who donated to the campaign to help fund important programming to support our local FBI initiatives!!

This year, Colorado Gives Day is December 15, 2025 with early giving starting on November 1. All donations made between November 1 - December 5 qualify for incentives from the Colorado Gives Foundation®. 

To learn more or to share the donation site with others, go to

For however you give, THANK YOU!!!!

FBI Denver Citizens Academy Alumni Association (FBIDVRCAAA) is a nonprofit organization separate and apart from the FBI

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