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FBI Denver Citizens Academy Alumni Association

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At each year-end FBIDVRCAAA Chapter Meeting, distinguished alumni members are recognized for their contributions to the chapter and its mission. We are proud and thankful for the outstanding service of these members, as we couldn't do all that we do without them! Please join us in CONGRATULATING the following alums for earning these prestigious service awards!

2023 Award Recipients


Kelle Ansel

President's Service Award


Phil Doty

Christian P. Anschutz Distinguished Service Award


Tom Gallegos

Community Outreach Award


LaTonya McPherson

Alumni Spirit Award


Sara Mirelez

Alumnus of the Year Award


Larry Schwarz

Alumni Participation Award

Past Award Recipients

President's Service Award

2022:  Paul Herbka, Locke Pierce, Sue Smith, David Walsh, Jeff Wirtzfeld

2021:  Phil Doty, Ben Gilling, Stacey Hervey, Kevin Julian, Steve Oberg

2019:  Scott Southworth

2018:  Larry Schwarz

Alumni of the Year Award

2022:  Scott Southworth

2021:  Joel Wefel

2020:  Christian Anschutz

2019:  David Walsh

2018:  Phil Doty

2017:  Stacey Hervey

2016:  Sue Smith

2022 Awards

Incident Response Unsung Heroes Awards:  Sharon Schonhaut, Zachery Bergen, Larry Schwarz, Paul Herbka, Scott Southworth, Kelle Ansel, Jane Prancan, and Stacey Hervey 

Ace of Initiative Award:  Leah Hapner, Sue Smith

Hearts & Hands Awards: Larry Schwarz, Zachery Bergen, Cindy Kihorany, Megan Pletcher, Stacey Hervey, Dona Maloy 

Community Impact Awards: Jeff Wirtzfeld, Patrick McKim, Scott Southworth, Sue Smith, Keith Marks, David Walsh, Carl Richard 

Outstanding Accomplice Awards: Corinne Marks, James Wirtzfeld, Mike Hesse, Ethan Smith

2021 Awards

Incident Response Unsung Heroes Awards:  Valarie Purl, Angela Dumm, Larry Schwarz, Cindy Kihorany, Michelle Tschudy, Stacey Hervey, Sue Smith, Locke Pierce, Zachary Bergen, Karen Spotts, Paul Herbka

Ace of Initiative Award:  Larry Schwarz

Hearts & Hands Awards: LaTonya McPherson, Laurie Makloski, Joel Wefel, Scott Southworth

Community Impact Awards: Michael Rohr, Tom Gallegos, Mike Occhiato, Phil Doty, Locke Pierce, Joel Wefel, Sue Smith, Scott Southworth

Outstanding Accomplice Awards: Larry Goodbar and Dominic Gallegos

2020 Awards


2019 Awards

Ace of Initiative Award:  Stacey Hervey & Sue Smith

Change Agent Award: Kevin Julian and Locke Pierce

Hearts & Hands Awards: Marilyn Gray

Rockstar Rookie Award: Scott Meier

Team Impact Award: Tom Gallegos, Jonathan Haller, Laurie Makloski, Jay Sughroue, Tammy Hoekendorf, Julie Kerr

Outstanding Accomplice Awards: Art Padilla and Doug Gray

FBI Denver Citizens Academy Alumni Association (FBIDVRCAAA) is a nonprofit organization separate and apart from the FBI

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